I personally believe that if every parents were to home school their children for majority of their life that the kids wouldn't have the experience of seeing how the real world actually is. For example children that's goes through home schooling at the high school stage wouldn't see the bad of what drugs can do to someone. Therefore once when they are out In the real world and get their first view or insight on it they won't have any answers for as far as what to do or how to stay away from it. Most importantly they wouldn't know what drugs to do or not do and the side effects of each one. Home school is a good idea to a certain extent but for it to be suggested as to home school until the children is of age eighteen is a little bit over the top. Also every parents aren't authorized to home school or can afford it for multiple children in their household.
An possible solution to try to keep today's culture from killing the society and youth other than home schooling is to focus more on the way parents raise their kids. Instead of locking them up and being over protective about the things they watch, music the listen too, and amount of explicit video/advertisements they see, be more willing to teach and let them understand the rights and wrong of each popular society interest. Theirs good and bad in the world no matter where too see it or hear it. It's always gonna be their and as parents they just have to be good teachers to their children so they know when to turn away form the bad.
Great reflection here. I agree that parenting should be so much more than just building a wall to 'keep out the world.' Yes, we live in a complex society— that is the price we pay for "freedom." However, if kids don't develop the skills to handle complexity they will, as you point out, be in a much more dangerous place, emotionally, when, eventually, the walls come down.